9th Annual DevRel Survey Results
The 9th State of Developer Relations report, released on September 28, 2022, is the most comprehensive report on DevRel you will find.
If you are wondering what is happening in DevRel:
Read the latest report here
Watch the Highlights of the launch event in this video, featuring a panel sharing their views with Caroline Lewko, Stacey Kruczek, Wesley Faulkner, James Parton, and Jordan Adler.
DevRel is Diverse & Branching out
27% identify as female. Compared to the latest StackOverflow survey, which has 5.2% identifying as female - our results are significant. And, there is salary parity among all groups!
19.1% are neurodiverse, giving us pause to think about how we communicate and educate DevRel and those developers we serve.
25% of companies have more than one developer program
38.4% support internal and external devs
DevRel is also diverse in the wide range of Job Titles from various levels of Developer Advocate to DevRel engineers, Community Managers, Content Marketers, DX Managers, Program Managers, Product Managers, Software engineers, and Technical writers, all fall under the DevRel umbrella. See the image below directly from P. 11 of the report.
DevRel is spreading around the globe & Salaries are rising
Silicon Valley still has the highest number of companies that practice DevRel headquartered there at 31.3%, but only 7.9% of the people who practice DevRel.
The median base salary is $148K USD, and the median total compensation is $180K USD, up from $163k in 2021.
Content is a continued Story
57.1% say content marketing is the most effective tactic
41.8% say Continuous content creation is the biggest challenge, and many manage external contributors for this.
Driving awareness is the main purpose of DevRel at 85.3%
There is more
There is so much more, so check out the report if you want to learn about:
How many products do programs support?
What are the size of annual budgets?
Is there a defined career path?
Does Leadership support DevRel?
Which online channels are most effective?
How often do teams review friction logs?
Who directs the team’s work?
What type of companies practice DevRel?
What’s the definition of community?
How many DevRel practitioners work remotely?
How do DevRel people spend their time? What % hold the title of Developer Advocate vs Evangelist?
Do you have to have a technical degree to be in DevRel?
What resources are effective to be in DevRel?
Thanks and gratitude
Much thanks to everyone involved, and those who took the time to fill in the survey.
The Report is administered by Revere Communications and supported by a Working Group that provided critical analysis, asked why this and why not that, added new questions, crunched the numbers, edited the report, and promoted the survey.
You can download a copy of the 2022 State of Developer Relations report here.